
Common Roof Problems Seen in Summer


Summertime is the most awaited season as people get ready for some fun in the sun. However, their roofs may not be as pleased to bask under the summer heat because ice and snow in the winter season are not the only elements that can deteriorate the roof. Being the hottest among all four seasons, summer also has its share of damaging factors.

The roof’s design and the construction materials influence the structure’s durability in withstanding varying weather conditions. The best way to get the roof summer-ready is to do a thorough inspection before the season begins.

Consulting with professional roofing contractors like Fahey Roofing + Contracting can help homeowners determine areas needing reinforcement, identify potential underlying problems, and advise them on the most suitable course of action.

Heat and humidity are the two most prominent weather elements in the summer season. Hot temperatures and UV radiation can bleach roofing materials and wear them down over time, while humidity can bring excessive moisture that weakens the structure and influence moss growth.

There also is the possibility of thermal shock where the building materials expand and contract rapidly due to quick temperature changes.

While expansion and contraction of materials are normal due to alternating heat and cold, sudden change between these different conditions can alter the roof’s appearance. Daytime warmth can immediately be followed by the potential drop in temperature at night.

As residents protect themselves from excessive heat and UV rays, they also must protect their roofs from elemental damage and other reasons for deterioration.

Summertime may be known for sunshine and warmth, but it’s not always clear skies and a beautiful weather day, especially for roofs. Apart from weather elements, there are numerous other causes of roof damage this season, and here are some common problems seen in summer.